Saturday, October 29, 2011

Guerilla Pamphlets Call for Submissions

submissions are now open for guerilla pamphlets volume 17

Submission Guidelines

Please make sure your poems are no longer than five pages.
No simultaneous submissions.
We aren't looking for pornographic, violent, racist, homophobic, misogynist, xenophobic, or sentimental poetry. Sonnets are usually frowned upon.(Ryhming is ok)
We are open to poetry in any language.

We are allways open for submissions. Send your poems to .

It shouldn't take us more than a month to get back to you. The goal is to put out a pamphlet as often as possible.

Please read and print out atleast one pamphlet before submitting.

We do not sell the pamphlets.
We do not pay our authors.
You can read them online or you can print them out for yourself.

MiCrow Call for Submissions

Winter #6
Submission Period: November 1, 2011 through January 1, 2012 – target publication date: February 1, 2012

Submit to:

Theme: Transport
Consideration will only be given to submissions that follow very simple, but important guidelines for this special edition.

All Submissions: MUST state in less than 50 words how their submission relates to the theme of: Transport.

Prose: 1000 words or less, single submission only.

Poetry: Maximum submission of 3 poems.

Images: Multiple submissions allowed - preference to black & white photography, pen and ink, charcoal sketches and mixed media imagery.

All submissions will receive acknowledgement within one week of submission. Final selections will be communicated in January with publication in February. If you cannot wait that long, do not submit as we are NOT interested in work submitted elsewhere or previously published. We want work specifically created for this theme.

New Release Round-Up

Zygote in my Coffee
Issue 135

Michael D. Goscinski, Michael Grover, Aleathia Drehmer, Craig Firsdon, Michelle Gaddes, M.P. Powers, Josh Olsen, Mather Schneider, Karl Koweski, Misti Rainwater-Lites.

Full of Crow Quarterly Fiction
October 2011

Ken Poyner, Shawn Misener, Amy Glasenapp, Robert Kaye, Zarina Zabrisky, Sherri Collins, Richard Godwin, Rasmenia Massoud, Allen Mendenhall, Suzanne Conboy-Hill, Josh Goller, Milla Van Der Have, Stephen Mannion, Edythe Wise, Joel Landfield.

Full of Crow Quarterly Poetry
October 2011

Kasandra Larsen, Claudia Emmingham, Steven Gulvezan, Paula Kirman, Glenn Cooper, Justin Ehrlich, Jan Steckel, Emaniano Acain Somza Jr. Jennifer McRae-Poulter, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Miguel Caldas, Thomas Hoad, Larry Thacker, Stacey Madden, Melanie Browne, Joseph Gant, Flynn O'Brien, Marc Vincenz, Mbizo Chirasha, Douglas Polk.

decomP magazine
October 2011

Jacob Allgeier, Jekwu Anyaegbuna, Natalie Edwards, Berit Ellingsen, Richard Prins, Sarena Ulibarri, Jeffrey Kingman, Melissa Reddish, Lauro Jo Hess, Rose Hunter, Neila Mezynski, Richard T. Rauch, Mark Seidl, Heather Sommer.

Pank Magazine
6.12/October 2011

Erin Gnidziejko-Smith, Anya Groner, Ian Khadan, Matthew Vollmer, Matthew Snee, Benjamin Walker, Jason Lee Norman, Clara Changxin Fang, Meghan Lamb, Justus Humphrey, Joe Uchill, Lauren Schmidt, Joanna Pearson, Sarah Faulkner, Ocean Vuong, Vic Sizemore, Michael Shea, Mather Schneider, Karen Munro, Andrew Grace, Tessa Fontaine, Maura Fitzgerald, Nolan Chessman, Stacy Lynn Austin.

Phantom Kangaroo
issue no. 12

Faryn Black, James Dowell, Jane Roken, Jean Brasseur, Jeanie Tomasko, Kevin Ridgeway, kj, Lisa Marie Basile, Margaret Mary, Melanie Browne, Peter Marra, Rachel Marsom-Richmond, Tess Pfeifle.

Red Fez Publications
#39 October 2011

Mary Estes-George, Benjameno Carlo Kraus, Alexandre Nodopaka, Carly Bryson, Steven Gulvezan, George Freek, James H Duncan, Glen Armstrong, David S Pointer, John Tustin, Jay Passer, Newamba Flamingo, Alan Catlin, Carney James, Travis Blair, Shannon McKeehen, Mark Blickley, Jeff Santosuosso, Rosebud Ben-Oni, Miles Budimir, Sean L Corbin, mike taylor, John G. Hall, William Seward Bonnie, J. A. Tyler, Paul Corman-Roberts, Bud Smith, rachel cann, Luis Rivas, Ani Smith, Robert Kloss, Aida Zilelian, Christy Harrington, JC Piech, Mark James Andrews, Matt Rowan, Brandon A.M., M.V. Montgomery, John Palen, Michael Giddings, Crawdad Nelson, Mario J Gonzales, Andy Henion, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Leopold McGinnis, J.B. Pravda, Yahia Lababidi.

Guerilla Pamphlets
Volume 16

Michael Grover, Scott Wannberg, Michele McDannold, A.D. Winans, Philip G. DeLoach, Dan Provost, J.D. Nelson, Dustin Holland, C.A.A., Annie Brodrick, C. Brannon Watts, Jay Passer, S.A. Griffin, Wayne Mason, David S. Pointer, Carolyn Srygley-Moore, Ben Marx, J.B. Hogan, Barbara Moore, Michael O'Brien, Dan O'Neill.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Occupy Blogtalk

Premium service gets ya 2 hour shows and prime time scheduling. Cost is $39  month or $399 a year.

We need your help. If by some miracle of miracles more than $399 is donated, we will use the money to cover web hosting costs for and printing and sending out more Citizens for Decent Literature.

What do you get for donating... besides the great feeling of helping a good cause dear to your heart... ?

we'll post your name in various internet spots like here and here.

we'll send you paper things in the mail, hell- we'll even let you host your own show on the network.

don't have money but want your own show anyway? cool. we love trades. hit us up.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Menacing Hedge Fall 2011 Edition

Menacing Hedge Fall 2011 Edition

The fall edition of Menacing Hedge is graced with the work of fifteen brilliant writers, one talented young photographer and the artwork of an acclaimed pop surrealist. Wallwork offers up a mouth-watering story of high society cannibals and their shopping dilemmas. Thompson brings a series of research-based poems shining an unblinking eye on the victims of Ted Bundy followed by the chilling Anonymous poem. Conroy explores the physicality of bodies, the making and unmaking of monsters, and the upkeep of what is one part awful and one part necessary. Poyner takes us to an alternative universe filled with the delightful but somewhat treacherous creatures, the Orikind. Reale's piece, Learn(ed), describes the subtleties of an abusive relationship and its precarious underpinnings. Budden's work, the Jolly Butcher's Lament, enters into the land of magical realism where the chief creature in a painting enters a pub and creates well-deserved mayhem. Doreski's poems explore the power of place, underground houses, haunted spaces, and a village collapsed.

Dickinson presents an interview with the actress Jean Seberg, which manages to span her lifetime – her role as Joan of Arc, her time in Paris, and herMidwest beginnings – with imagery and memories so searing, it feels as if Dickinson is channeling Seberg's very spirit. Altman takes us from the Qing Dynasty and a savvy snuffbox and unwise concubine, to a monstrous man whose actions resonate in modern Chinatowns, and then to the blue gas of God, with images that flex and strain seeking to escape the page. Bashaar transports the reader to uncertain corners of places: love, diners, and poetry readings in restrooms, her voice crashing through everything, like mad birds through glass. Rainwater-Lites embarks into poverty, the concrete minutiƦ of everyday life, transcending the mundane to find beauty in its particular painfulness, while also exploring the connectivity between unlikely individuals. Connell's Metropolitan Hotel describes one man's journey from boredom to violent enlightenment, through a series of bizarre encounters with a mysterious woman.

Randall and Shapiro have borrowed old seventies diagrams from the Exploratorium and added their own comments, creating images and words that compel the reader to re-explore formal conventional wisdoms and ideas of human relationships. Dexter's piece, The Nudist Cover-up, takes us from a child's discovery of his teacher's floating corpse to a strange ritualistic covering of the same child's body with sand. Bennett's images are filled with poems and stories, from a shadow on a trailer to chilled red feet over wire. Grindley puts us in the feet of The God of Minor Inconvenience, whose power may be limited but whose repercussions are vast, reminding the reader of how even the smallest of inconveniences can ultimately render devastation. Finally, Scott Musgrove conjures and paints imaginary beasts, which live and breathe and leap from the page, given pulse and breath and blood.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Review of Expired Nickel Valentine

Expired Nickel Valentine

By Misti Rainwater-Lites
182 pages ISBN 978-0-9824669-4-0
From Goldfish Press
1620 W. Line Street
Leesburg, FL 34748

Misti attacks the page/canvas fiendishly like Remedios Varo and Frida Kahlo. Her words are fiery smoke delving deep into her ocean. She fears nothing and is brave and courageous in her own sometimes highly erotic exposure. I can not recommend this book enough. Being born in Albuquerque, like her first son I felt we were on the same wavelength. “Blood and love, boots stomping guts, Satan and Jesus riding in a Chevrolet, God might be a termite, firetango wolverineskin” were just a few descriptions from the first 28 pages and it just gets better. I also, “smell electra in her green then blue then storm cloud eyes.”

Catfish McDaris

Review of Dancing Naked on Bukowski's Grave

by Ben John Smith & Catfish McDaris
135 page Hardcover at

All night I dreamed of the poems of Ben John Smith and Catfish McDaris in their new book Dancing Naked on Bukowski’s Grave. I read non-stop the Catfish section which comprises the second half of the book, tore through it like the sex-crazed maniac I’ve always been, running down the street after that guilt-ridden fantasy bus headlined real life. Afterward on the bus, and in my tortured sleep, I began to understand the meaning of the ritual phrase that’s what I’m talking about. I formed words in my dreams to explain to Catfish how reading his amazing output was like looking into his soul, if anyone has such a thing, because oddly, he approaches soulful material through an outrage of the senses, because he talks about boogers and shit and glorious cunt-holes that most people lack the courage to discuss, yet isn’t that where we all live?

Take for instance “Even Rats Party in Hell’s Kitchen”, a fantastical portrait of the toilet at Dangerfield’s Comedy Club, the cooking up of a poetic recipe that starts out with some possibly true measurements. 1) toilets in NYC and Paris are in “dim decrepit basements, swampy funk-ridden holes”; 2) “the stairway is rancid”; 3) “a cloud of maryjane fumes engulfed me”; 4) “I heard female laughter and an Asian language coming from the Men’s Room”; the rest could be called imagination, or not, when it introduces “a talking rat” with “a tiny hard-on”. With these ingredients Catfish leaves the kitchen and enters the inner rooms of the soul, a mystical journey to jolt the jaded and wise-up the weary.

“While Bogart Played with Rock Hudson’s Balls” is another myth-buster. We knew Rock was gay but what about Bogart? I always suspected he was a real pussy with his various wives in spite of his tough guy image. I could imagine Lauren putting him to bed with a glass of warm milk. Sure, he smoked, but that only began as a way to show what a regular guy he was. Then he became addicted to sucking butts. Maybe Rock was the one with the real balls; gay, and enjoying his lifestyle to the hilt. Like the cops in stanza three. What’s this tough guy bullshit all about, anyway? Think about it with help from Catfish.
—Patricia Hickerson

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Release Round-Up

Episode 17 « In Between Altered States.

from the editor-
Oh yes….it is time again for another episode of In Between Altered States where we try to string together 8 pieces of flash fiction into a twisted dream. Each story is loosely themed for a bit of cohesiveness though each writer gets to take the theme to the far reaches of their minds. This episodes theme is “cleaned out”. Come take a little trip with us on what that means. I would like to welcome back writers Ben Pullar and Kevin Ridgeway and give a barbaric yawp for the newcomers to IBAS: RL Raymond, Frankie Metro, Paul Tristram, Kyle Hemmings, Craig Scott, and Gertrud Pehk. As always, please read the stories from start to finish for the fullest effect and then go back and read your favorites again. Enjoy!

6.09 / September 2011 - Pank Magazine

Andrew Brininstool, Blake Kimzey, Wendy Xu, Tessa Mellas, Suzanne Marie Hopcroft, Thomas Patrick Levy, Kit Frick, Tess Patalano, Regina Marshall, Tyler Sage, John McKernan, Aimee Vitrak, Brandy Wilson, Kirstin Chen, Aimee Pogson, Danielle Shutt, Shira Richman, Teresa Milbrodt, Court Merrigan, John Jodzio, Ian Golding, Stefanie Freele, Saehee Cho, Corinna Bain.

Issue No. 11 - Phantom Kangaroo

Amy Elisabeth Olson, Brad Liening, F.J. Bergmann, Gale Acuff, Georgie Delgado, Holly Day, Michael Andrew, Rick Bailey, Simon Jacobs, Tammy Ho Lai-Ming, Thomas Piekarski, Vanessa Young, Walter Bjorkman.

September 2011 - Red Fez Publications

Crawdad Nelson, Shawn Misener, RC Edrington, Wayne Mason, Kevin Ridgeway, Nathan Graziano, Lindsey Thomas, Aleathia Drehmer, Zachary Moll, Josh Olsen, William Taylor Jr and many more!

October 2011 - Underground Voices Magazine

C.J. Arellano, Alice Ash, Beau Johnson, Sarah Terez Rosenblum, Garrett Socol, Jim Davis, John Grochalski, Steven gulvezan, J.B. Hogan, Cynthia Ruth Lewis, Ali Shakir, Steve C., Marian Kamensky.

October 2011 - Negative Suck

Andrew J. Stone, Cheryl Anne Gardner, Brett Spencer, Howie Good, Jessica Dyer, Justis Mills, Ray Succre, Jenny Caitlin, Sarah Alderman, Karissa Satchwell.

Issue #24 - Jersey Devil Press

Shannon Derby, Samuel Snoek-Brown, Christian A. Larsen, Rowdy Geirsson, Vincent Purita.

Oct/Nov Issue - Primal Urge

Oct/Nov Issue Featuring an article with and NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED S. CLAY WILSON ART!!!!! STEVE VANONI in Europe & Korea....Artist PABLO GALVAN......Sacramento Poet Laureate BOB STANLEY.....BAD BONES PHOTOGRAPHY......CARTEL INK WORKS......Has Execution Become An Art Form......America's Secret Military....Poetry by John Dorsey, Michael Grover, Colin Dardis, Paul Corman-Roberts, Jason Ryberg, Michele McDannold and more!

Volume 15 - Guerilla Pamphlets

Michael Grover, A.D. Winans, J.D. Nelson, Dianne Borsenik, Felino A. Soriano and many more!