Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Literary Underground Newsletter #4

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The Literary Underground News and Updates
Sign up for the Newsletter @

New Releases

Red Fez Publications (Issue 32, March 2011)
Featuring columns by Paul Corman-Roberts and Karl Koweski, video by Cecelia
Chapman and poetry and prose by James Valvis, Samuel Snoek-Brown, Brandon
Tietz, David S. Pointer, Jessica McHugh and many others.

Phantom Kangaroo (No. 5, March 2011)
Amit Parmessur, Catfish McDaris, Claire Huxham, Howie Good, Kevin Heaton,
Kyle Hemmings, Maeg Keane, Matt Ryan, Matthew Specht, Melanie Browne, RD
Kimball, Robert McDonald, and Walter Conley.

Thieves Jargon (Issue 205)
Adam Moorad, Gary Shipley, Kristine Ong Muslim, Eirik Gumeny, Nathan
Graziano, Carl Miller Daniels and George Sparling.

Negative Suck (March 2011)
Featured author Bill Yarrow, Coleen Shin, Foster Trecost, Stephen Tully
Dierks, Donal Mahoney, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Daniel Romo, Jim Wittenberg,
Chris Butler, Erin Zulkoski, James Wolfe, Len Kuntz, Jay Coral, and Kim

Pank Magazine (6.03 March 2011)
Libby Cudmore, Sandra Simonds, Kerrin McCadden, Kristina Born, Joseph
Michael Owens, James O Brien, Robert Swartwood, Kyle Beachy, Megan Williams,
Eliza Tudor, Richard Thomas, Eric Nguyen, Marie-Elizabeth Mali, Hilary King,
Christina Kapp, Tim Kahl, Jamison Crabtree, Michelle Cheever, Amber Sparks,
Lydia Ship, and Tania Hershman.

Paraphernalia Quarterly (#3, Winter 2011)
Matthew Kosinski, Holly Day, Kyle Hemmings, Catfish McDaris, Dan Provost,
Steven Purkey, Jade Bos, Alec Cizak, William Doreski, Diana Rose, P.A. Levy,
Beverly Heels, Fake Dada, and Sarah Blakely.

Word Riot (March 2011)
Interview with Larry Smith by David Hoenigman, book review, short stories,
flash fiction and poetry by Gary Sheppard, Megan Cook, John Grey and many

inter|rupture (Issue 1, February 2011)
inter|rupture's first issue aims to startle and assault the current by
providing readers with emerging and established artists who crave discovery.
It features new work from Peter Jay Shippy, Dean Young, Sarah Green, Matt
Hart, Anthony McCann, Nate Pritts, and many others. Artwork by Nicolle

Underground Voices (March 2011)
Malo Basich, Masha Brenner, Douglas Cole, Andrew Cusick, John Mark Green,
John Haggerty, Marian Kamensky, Francis Raven, Taylor Renfroe, Nichole Marie
Rued, Declan Tan, and R.L. Ugolini.

New Book!
A Man of Glass & All the Ways We Have Failed
by J. A. Tyler, Fugue State Press
$12.00 112 pp. ISBN 978-1-879193-24-6
Order it, read it and if you don't like the book, he'll write you another
book on the inside of that book. That's right! a book guarantee like no

New Book!
Horror Sleaze Trash
by Ben Smith, Horror Sleaze Trash Inc
$24.50 108 pp. ISBN 978-1-4467-1427-0
A collection of categorized poems by Melbourne Based writer, Ben John Smith,
ranging from the depths of horror, the boundaries of sleaze and the bottom
of trash. Art work and inlay by German artist THS (, Edited by
Ian Shearer with thanks to Mike Daily.

Call for Submissions
Gutter Eloquence Magazine is a bad-ass electronic journal that publishes
some of the best voices of the underground lit scene and beyond. Featuring
both new and established poets, we seek high-quality, but gutsy
writing--two-fisted free verse that pulls no punches!

Submissions are welcome now through April 10th.

Issue #15 will be a special, THEMED issue. Guidelines are available on the
G.E.M. website, so read 'em before sending in your work. And it won't hurt
(much) to read an issue or two of the zine beforehand, as well. After all,
it's online and free!

Our current issue, previous issue archives and submission info can be found

Calls for Submission
Mad Hatter's Review online poetry, fiction, nonfiction March 1- 31.

The Broken City "Reality Bites" poetry, fiction, essays, comics,
illustrations and photography. Deadline: June 15.

The Whistling Fire poetry by female authors only for April; guest editor
Lindsey Lewis Smithson. Deadline: Mar 26.

The Whistling Fire fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Guest Editor David
Crawford. Theme: Humor. Deadline Apr 23

Super Arrow fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, as well as any cross-genre

Like on Facebook
Follow on Twitter!/litinc

The Literary Underground's mission is to provide web space, information and
resources for authors, publishers and readers of underground literature.

Other New and Updated
Girls with Insurance

Horoscopes for Slow Children, March 2011
(Zygote in my coffee)

Rusty Truck

The Beatnik

Clutching at Straws

Calliope Nerve

Horror, Sleaze, Trash

The Literary Underground Wiki

The Literary Underground Wiki is an open-source encyclopedia devoted to
the underground press. It covers the history, production, distribution and
culture of the underground press.

Have News for the Newsletter?
new releases, books, events, calls for submission...
send info to

Call For Submissions
Full of Crow Poetry is now taking submissions for the Spring Issue which
hopes to be ready by April.
The guidelines are as follows:
* Please send up to 5 poems in the body of an email. No attachments please
unless form is a concern.
* Please indicate that the submission is for Full of Crow Poetry, and
include a name in the subject line of your email. A bio is optional, you
are welcome to include it with your submission.
* No previously published work or simultaneous submissions. Your work will
be read in a prompt manner and notification is within a week barring any
catastrophes. If you have concerns, please feel free to contact us. We
ask for the courtesy of posting work exclusively for the month,when it
appears, but rights belong to the contributors.
* Submissions should be sent to either: or and inquiries addressed to Aleathia
Drehmer who is the new poetry editor.

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