Monday, December 30, 2013

ppigpenn interviews

thanks to Catfish McDaris there are a bunch of new interviews from writers near and far up at the ppigpenn. seems he went out of his way to gather up words from folks all over. and i appreciate that. good stuff. some you have probably heard of and some not. which is right in line with what's behind pretty much everything we do at the LU.

i'm proud to be a part of it and i hope you'll check out the interviews. maybe discover a new favorite poet/writer/artist. ppigpenn is also accepting submissions of poetry, flash, and art. so send us something.

have a happy new year... forgive more, love harder, and all that other groovy shit people get all resolutiony about at least once a year. me, i think i'll quit smoking. #hahaha


Glenn Cooper, Alain Crozier, Gary Cummiskey, Eric Dejaeger, Jocelyne Desforges, Alexis Rhone Fancher, Paul Hawkins, Azriel Johnson, Tim Murray, Valli Poole, Kevin Ridgeway, Van Roberts, Sarer Scotthorne, Ben John Smith, Kenneth Trimble, Philip Vermaas, Mercedes Webb-Pullman, and Ali Znaidi. there's also one from me in there

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Call for Submissions: Ppigpenn

Send raw wild words & art to Catfish at Mcdar3(at)aol[dot]com

We want poems & flash & art. Imagine extreme hunger & you had only one fish hook & a tiny bullhead swallowed your bait & you had to jerk out all the guts & heart. These innards are what we want.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Issue of Citizens for Decent Literature

CfDL #8

Catfish McDaris, Dan Provost, Craig Cady, James Griffin, John Greiner, Alan Catlin, Luis Rivas, William Doreski, Nathan Schaaf, Gregory Liffick, and Kyle Hemmings with artwork by Kyle Hemmings and Dave MacDowell.

online edition is here:

digital copy of print edition is here:

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nothing to Lose welcomes special guest Ron Whitehead

Poet and Literary Activist Ron Whitehead to be featured on “Nothing to Lose” internet radio program

[caption id="attachment_1250" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Ron Whitehead Photograph by Jinn; Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5.[/caption]

The Literary Underground is pleased to announce a special episode of “Nothing to Lose” on Project U Radio Network featuring an interview with Ron Whitehead on Friday, November 1st. Mr. Whitehead is a poet, writer, editor, publisher, organizer, scholar and professor. He will be discussing his writing, his many years involved in performance and organizing, his numerous literary projects, and the upcoming release of Outlaw Poet, a documentary about his life.

Ron Whitehead grew up on a farm in Kentucky. He attended The University of Louisville and Oxford University. As a poet and writer he is the recipient of numerous state, national, and international awards/prizes including The All Kentucky Poetry Prize, The Yeats Club of Oxford's Prize for Poetry, and many others. In 2006 Dr. John Rocco (NYC) nominated Ron for The Nobel Prize in Literature. Nick Storm, Storm Generation Films, is producing an independent feature length cinema verite bio documentary Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead. Nick will have 100 hours of film rough draft edited to 120 minutes by the end of 2013 with anticipated release for 2014.

Co-founder of the historic City Lights Booksellers & Publishers Lawrence Ferlinghetti said of Mr. Whitehead, “Ron Whitehead, out there in Kentucky, out there where the tall heroes used to grow, is sowing the dragon's teeth of new heroics.”

Mr. Whitehead has traveled extensively to promote poetry. He has presented numerous talks, lectures, and writing workshops around the world at colleges, universities, and institutions which include Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), The University of Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland), The University of Braga (Braga, Portugal), The University of Nijmegen (Nigmegen, The Netherlands), and many more.

Poet and literary activist Bruce Hodder of England said of Mr. Whitehead's work, “all you people out there with an interest in poetry as it's being written now by people who are bringing style and passion and innovation to the craft would do yourselves a big favour if you googled the name of Ron Whitehead and had a look at what he's been doing these past few years.”

“Nothing to Lose” is a popular internet radio program on the Project U Radio Network hosted by Independent Press editors Brian W. Fugett (Zygote in my Coffee), Michael D. Goscinski (Regardless of Authority), and Michelle L. Quinn (Blotterature). “Nothing to Lose” is committed to featuring creativity in all its various forms by presenting writers, musicians, artists, and performers... anyone involved in the production of creative things with a focus on independent and marginalized perspectives.

For more information about Ron Whitehead, please visit “Nothing to Lose” can be listened to live online Friday nights at 9pm Pacific/11pm Central on the Project U Radio Network at All episodes are archived and available for download on BlogTalk Radio and iTunes.

About The Literary Underground
The Literary Underground is a grassroots effort committed to supporting and promoting the creative arts in the independent press. Founded in 2010, successful projects to date include: The Literary Underground Wiki, an open-source encyclopedia devoted to the underground press; Project U Radio Network, with shows hosted on blogtalk radio including author interviews, open mics and topic shows; the Archive Directory, providing web space for the archival of defunct publications; and Citizens For Decent Literature, an online and print publication that seeks to give voice to the voiceless.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

CfDL Best of the Net and Pushcart Nominations

Citizens for Decent Literature is pleased to announce their nominations for the 2013 Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize. Thanks goes out to all of our contributors and congratulations to the nominees.


Issue #1
Under Douche Bag by Shali Nicholas

Issue #2
These Little Rituals by Anneliese Mackintosh

Unshaved by Josh Olsen

Issue #3
Yep, Another Library Pome by Tim Murray

Issue #5
Neo-Zine by Bud Smith

Issue #6
The Backseats of My Early Twenties by Sarah E. Alderman

Note to My Younger Self on the Beauty of Birds by Larry Duncan

My Friend with Cerebral Palsy by Newamba Flamingo

Reckless by Erin Reardon

Stupid Poem about Stupid Airports by William Taylor Jr.


How to Cook in a Coffee Pot by Heather Dorn

This is the Damn Poem by Brian W. Fugett

Akirema by Frank Walsh

Up the Whiskey Tree by April Michelle Bratten

Charger by Tom Pescatore
(Little Book)

Part 1 by Tim Murray
(Dinosaur Ditch)

Citizens for Decent Literature Press was founded in 2011 as a project of The Literary Underground. Established first as a print zine and APA (Amateur Press Association), our formats now include Little Books, Roll Your Own Stories and the Manuscript Series – all available for FREE. Our Chapbook Series is available at or below cost. Now Playing @ Citizens for Decent Literature began publishing poetry, short stories, essays and rants on January 1, 2012 every third day. In August 2012 the publishing schedule was moved to monthly with the first issue on August 15th and is now currently published on the most random schedule possible.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poets, Butter Cows, Juggalos, oh my!

come for the butter. stay for the change

i want to be michael rothenberg when i grow up. no kidding. he is an inspiration. i am in awe of the work he has done/is doing. as a community of creative people, we should thank our lucky stars to have such a humble person repping for us all over the world. if you missed his interview on the Nothing to Lose show last night, you can check it out in the archives... well worth your time. (

toward the end of the show last night, he asked about our little shindig planned for 100 Thousand Poets for Change Day in Danville, Illinois... what do we care about in illinois? well... we care about butter. it's true. there is evidence...

The Butter Cow

when we decided to pursue finding a place and setting up an event to be a part of 100 Thousand Poets for Change Day, I started thinking about change. what kind of change... i wrote a long rambly statement as i do tend to do and thankfully it is lost to my mess of a desk. i can now sum it up in one word: CONNECTION.

because our society as a whole has become all too 2-dimensional on a virtual plane. as great and essential as it is.. none of this would even be possible.. creative people from around the globe connecting.. especially with yahoos, juggalos, and misfits from out in the cornfields. isolation is more than a state of mind when you live in the rural midwest. where everything comes a little bit later and a lot bit slower. if you think or move outside the box, you're likely to get stoned for it and not in the fun way, in the biblical way. my life has certainly been changed by the internet, by connecting online to like-minded fellows. but the real transformation, the stuff that sticks, that gives me the drive i need to keep going even when i'm still out here in the sticks--suffering a bit of rage everytime i have to visit the local walmarts-- it is the connections and experiences that i have had meeting, getting to know, being inspired by and working with these amazing people that i have come to refer to as the asshole poets. dammit, i love them.

they gave me the courage and the push that i need to flip the bird to all my silly little issues that said oh you are too much of this and not enough of that. maybe, just maybe, i can get out there and do something worthwhile. from toledo, chicago, milwaukee, oakland, ypsilanti, albuquerque, denver, champaign, cleveland, and even the Jhole. we put together events and come out to support others with the very simple intent to bring people together, to share and appreciate the work, to set aside the egos and the dumb, small press dramas. and maybe it wasn't change that we were after... it was simply inevitable. true connection creates change. on a personal level and beyond.

i dare anyone to step outside of themselves, to know these people--these asshole poets. share with them your ideas, sit for a while with theirs. yes, you might find yourself up on stage out in the middle of a cornfield, dancing in a kiddie pool filled with butter. it happens. but what you really might find is connection, something that goes deep down into your soul and changes you forever.

and look at that. i got all rambly again. go figure.

hope to see you there. and if not this one, the next.


All Kinds to Write A Story: Reaching Other Writers (and Everyone Else)
By Sirenna Blas, Blotterature

I was sitting in Julie’s kitchen this morning trying to edit and cut down an elaborate blog post about silence and flash fiction, but I got frustrated, I went home, I slept. When I woke up, I found a post written by Michele McDannold of the Literary Underground/Citizens for Decent Literature that talked about 100 Thousand Poets for Change, which is in its third year. She talked about connection, how important it is to be connected to/with each other?especially in this age where so much is done via screens and keyboards, especially for writers. That’s the change she wants to see. More connection. Continued connection.

Writing is not a solitary act.

Writing is a community.

I remember thinking, back when I first read On the Road at 18, that it would’ve been so cool and inspiring to have a group of friends who met up regularly to just talk writing and life. I had my little MySpace group of poets at that time, who all supported and read each other’s work. But, it wasn’t the same. It was all online, and most of my own in-person friends could hardly care less. I had been dating a string of boys who were all: “*blank face* Why do you write…?”

It takes time to build a community.

Writing shouldn’t make you feel alone.

But it can and it does. Sometimes.

And even as I got a bit older, there were people in my life who still went something like: “Why are you choosing to stay in on a Friday/Saturday night, while your friends are out partying, to…*shudder* write?” And then there were even those dreaded: “Yeah, I don’t read.”

Well…shit! Me neither…. Ignore the bookcases in my bedroom?here, let me turn off the lights and I’ll seduce you not at all with my intellect?did you know at one point I was a cheerleader? Ugh.

Pretty soon it becomes tiring pretending not to care or be interested in something that you’re actually very passionate about. Eventually you realize that the relationships you have with those you are pretending for can only remain superficial. Eventually you start lying: “No, I’m staying in tonight because I’m tired, not because I’ve got this story that I can’t stop thinking about.” Eventually you realize that’s no way to be and that it’s all stupid and you learn not to care if what you enjoy doing is socially acceptable or not, and that’s the stage I’m at now, luckily, but I know it’s not that way for everyone, especially young people.

When did this disconnect between writing/creating and “socially acceptable” occur?

So. What do we do about it? Do we just keep what we do close to ourselves and not try to seep out into the rest of society and, therefore, maybe sometimes act like we’re better than everyone else, more elite, more whatever, or at least be perceived to be as such? (Oh! such generalizations, of course.) Is this partially why that disconnection might’ve occurred? Do we try sharing our passions and rectify this, and if so, how?

A moment to digress. In 2010 or something or other, I connected with Tim online. He was part of the other writers I knew, but he lived near me so we got together and tried to do some poetry stuff in our community. Fail.

But, a year later was the first 100 Thousand Poets for Change. Events were taking place all over the world that September, and Tim invited me to travel with him to Elyria, Ohio for the event he was planning on attending. I was finally going to meet some of the poets. Who knew that a couple years later, these people would still be traveling all over the Midwest (and the country) to continue meeting for various readings and events?somewhat for the poetry, mostly for each other. I’ve only been to a few of these events so far (Elyria, Toledo, Jacksonville, IL), but I’ve experienced some things with them that you probably shouldn’t even experience with your closest friends (shout out to Brian), and it always feels like home.

Something a little cooler took place in Jacksonville than just friends coming together and being all poet-y, though. There was a handful of us in the rented space (something that was put together like a wedding inside a VFW, complete with the bright white lights and fake plants and random trellis), but a horde of others came in as the reading was about to begin. Juggalos. There to support the metal band that was playing with us that night. One weird-ass combination. Us up on stage reading, someone taking off his clothes, someone else dancing in a pool of butter (*cough*cough* that wasn’t me at all…). And them.

And you know what? We danced like batshit idiots to their music. They laughed and listened to our stuff. We all talked and smoked and drank and everyone was just doing what they do?together.

Writers need others, too.

Writing isn’t an inclusive act only to those who write.

In turn: the world needs stories.

And it takes all kinds to write a story.

No cliché intended. So, if no one will come to us (unless it’s to see a band they like and you just happen to be there…), how do we go about reaching them without simultaneously compromising our work?

This is part of the change I want to see. Writing being more relevant. Writing being OK. A high school girl not getting shunned because she likes to write fan-fiction and read at lunch. A boy not being made to feel bad because he’d rather write a poem than watch the football game. And no girl dating someone like the boy I had dated when I was 19 who threatened to cut off my dreadlocks because he thought they were weird and who questioned why I wrote because he also thought it was weird.

People are weird. You ain’t no exception just because you don’t write, sweetheart.

Poets Can Dance. There is evidence on YouTube

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

100 Thousand Poets for Change on Nothing to Lose this Friday

Friday, September 6th. Show begins at 11pm CDT/9pm PDT (USA). Nothing to Lose hosts interview special guest Michael Rothenberg and take calls from organizers from around the world. Michael is the founding editor of Big Bridge and organizer extraordinaire of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change Global Event. Participants from around the world will join together on September 28th this year to celebrate creativity, community, and change. more information at

Listen in!

Call in! (805) 856-2808

Nothing to Lose is hosted by Brian W. Fugett, Michael D. Goscinski, Michelle L. Quinn, and Walter Thomas Beck III on the Project U Radio Network every Friday.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New Release: Tollbooth by BUD SMITH

“A gloriously deranged, endless orginal adventure through every day bat country.” – Gabriel Ricard, Drunk Monkeys

TOLLBOOTH, a new novel from Bud Smith,
author of Or Something Like That


Jimmy Saare collects tolls on the New Jersey Parkway. He’s had a mental snap, as a result, is becoming uncontrollably fixated with the 19 year old Gena who works the copy machine at Officetown. Despite his wife Sarah’s impending pregnancy, Jimmy pursues his desire for Gena, unexpectedly becoming more entangled with the strange manipulations of an anarchistic teenager, Kid with Clownhead, who wants to start his own destructive cult when he grows up.


Signed copies from the author!
click the paypal button on this page

also available on KINDLE for only $4.99

Here’s what peeps are saying:

“A tantalizing joyride of contemporary American dysfunction …”
- Zygote in My Coffee

“Bud Smith’s Tollbooth is like the car accident of a book that everyone slows down for, to watch along their way to wherever–the type of car accident that creates a 30 mile stretch of idling vehicles.” Aaron Dietz, author of Super

“At the intersection of the mundane and the surreal you’ll find Bud Smith. Poetic, profane and bizarre, Smith’s characters and the world he creates simultaneously attracts and repulses; just when you think you’ve got the characters pegged they do something wonderful like shitting in a box or disgusting like falling in love. Outrageous and frighteningly real, Bud Smith’s writing is always beautifully written and wildly entertaining.” – Martha Grover, Author of One More for the People.

“There are two types of people: tollbooth operators and people who think there are people who aren’t tollbooth operators. Bud Smith’s Tollbooth is about you, whether you like it or not. You most likely do not work in a tollbooth but chances are you do know what it’s like to work a mind-numbing job. Chances are you also know what it’s like to make life-changing mistakes. And I hope to goodness and back that you also know what it’s like to take a risk that will possibly change everything for the better. Tollbooth has all of these things, but you probably know that already because you’re in it.” Aaron Dietz, author of Super

“Tollbooth: better than Madame Bovary, not as good as masturbation.” – Martha Grover, Author of One More for the People.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Call for Submissions: Snail Mail Review

Snail Mail Review is now open for submissions!!

Submission Guidelines:

We accept simultaneous submissions
We do not accept previously published work

Poetry: 3-5 poems, 35 lines each
Short Fiction: 1-7pgs (max. 1500 words)
Mail Submissions to:
Snail Mail Review
C/O Christine Chesko
1694 Augusta Pointe Dr.
Ripon, CA.

S.A.S.E (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope)
Cover Letter W/ Brief Bio.


E-mail Submissions to:

**Please visit for detailed information regarding submission guidelines.

Open Submissions: August 1, 2013
Submission Deadline: December 31, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

LU newsletter

new releases, calls for submissions, events and other litstuff ... read the newsletter here:

**correction** (oops)
the correct url for CfDL submissions is

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

CfDL Nominations for the 2013 storySouth Million Writers Award

Citizens for Decent Literature is pleased to announce their nominations for the 2013 storySouth Million Writers Award. Thanks goes out to all of our contributors and congratulations to the nominees.

"At the Supper Club" by Bud Smith (May 2012)

"Rick and the Chick" by Luis Rivas (Issue #1)

"The Success of Trey" by Luis Rivas (Issue #2)

Citizens for Decent Literature Press was founded in 2011 as a project of The Literary Underground. Established first as a print zine and APA (Amateur Press Association), our formats now include Little Books, Roll Your Own Stories and the Manuscript Series - all available for FREE. Our Chapbook Series is available at or below cost. Now Playing @ Citizens for Decent Literature began publishing poetry, short stories, essays and rants on January 1, 2012 every third day. In August 2012 the publishing schedule was moved to monthly with the first issue on August 15th and is now currently published on the most random schedule possible.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Got Poetry? A public service announcement!

Got Poetry?

Unwanted poetry is a public safety issue, leading to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse.

Academic poetry can be just as deadly as street poetry when read without supervision.

The use of poetry ranks second only to marijuana as the most common cause of death amongst members of Generation X in America.

The majority of teenagers abusing poetry get their poems from family and friends. Studies show that readily accessible books in homes are at least 73 times more deadly than loaded firearms.

Unwanted poems thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unwanted poems that are flushed contaminate the water supply. Proper disposal of unwanted poetry saves lives and protects the environment.

Here are some tips for properly disposing of unwanted poetry and poets:
Tear poems out of books; Mix poems with something more appealing like used kitty litter or soiled diapers; Seal poets in a bag or disposable container, and throw them away.

--Tim Murray
Editor, Blotterature

For more information on poetry abuse, go to:


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Book Release from Strange Attractor Press

"Engaging... packed with interest" - The Times Literary Supplement
"The cultural scope of the book is dizzying" - The Quietus
"Amiable… thoughtful... very intriguing" - Art Monthly
"Fascinates" - Mojo Magazine

What are the connections between Leonardo da Vinci and Dick Whittington, between the BBC Monitoring Service and punk band The Clash, between wartime military intelligence work, visual arts theory, battle management systems, Spiritualism, radio and recording technology and criminal witness testimony? What role do JG Ballard, Osama bin Laden, William Burroughs, Jean Cocteau, Richard Dawkins, Jean Genet, William Hogarth, Pope Pius XII, Primo Levi, proto-Surrealist writer Raymond Roussel, teenage criminal Derek Bentley, Sigmund Freud and crystallographer Louis Albert Necker play in the disentangling of mysteries of human perception?

Taking a major cue from art historian EH Gombrich's seminal text "Art & Illusion", "Rorschach Audio" is a work of contemporary cultural scholarship and an exploration of the art and science of psychoacoustic ambiguities. Part detective story, part artistic and cultural critique, “Rorschach Audio” lifts the lid on an array of fascinating and under-examined perceptual and political phenomena.

“Rorschach Audio” is essential reading for everyone interested in air-traffic control, anechoic chambers, artificial oxygen carriers, audio art, bell-ringing, cocktail parties, cognitive science, communications interference, compost, the death penalty, Electronic Voice Phenomena, evangelism, evolutionary biology, experimental music, ghosts, the historiography of art, illusions of sound and illusions of language, lip-reading jokes, nuclear blast craters, predictive texting, singing hair, sonic archives, sound design, steam trains, tinnitus, the Turing Test, Victorian blood painting, visual depth and space perception, ultrasonic visual music, ventriloquism, voices and warehouse robberies and fires.

"The earliest form of sound recording technology was not a machine but was written language..." (page 96)

Trade distribution by Turnaround
ISBN 978-1-907222-20-7
Hardback, 191 pages
Art Theory, Cultural Studies
UK £10 Non-Fiction

An early MIT Press version of "Rorschach Audio" (published 2001) can be downloaded here -

Project supported by The Arts & Humanities Research Council, Goldsmiths College (University of London) and The Institute for Modern & Contemporary Culture at The University of Westminster

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Regardless of Authority #2

Regardless of Authority Issue Two is now live. It features poetry from Edward Krzeminski, Tim Peeler, Adrian Manning, April Michelle Bratten, Melanie Browne, Walter Thomas Beck III, Michele McDannold, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Nathan Graziano, Jason Fisk, and JJ Campbell. It also features photography and art from David Thompson, Eugenia Loli, Melanie Browne, Jennifer Tomaloff, Ben John Smith, and Abigail Beaudelle. Enjoy!!

Nothing to Lose with special guests from "The Cassfield 'Get Yourself Together' Tour"

2 hours plus 40 minutes in overtime? Nothing to Lose. Hosted by Brian W. Fugett, Michael D. Goscinski and Michelle L. Quinn AND special co-host Walter Thomas Beck III. WITH SPECIAL GUESTS: Brooklyn-based poetry//music//performance duo CRAIG ULTRAVIOLENCE CADY & LUCAS DEEDEEREX CAREY, currently on "The Cassfield 'Get Yourself Together' Tour." ALSO the latest baseball report from RYAN SNELLMAN! Mather Schneider called in? Two Mathers?? Karl Koweski??? yep. it's all in there. check it out. archives, yo.

Craig Ultraviolence Cady and Lucas DeeDeeRex Carey have been elected by their hometown of Cassfield to take the city on an introductory tour and connect with new friends across the country. The show explores communication as it relates to city life, consumption, and gun violence through a disquiet fuzz of 60s optimism. The tour begins in Brooklyn on July 23rd and includes stops in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. more information here -



Monday, July 22, 2013

Call for Submissions - CfDL #8

now reading for Citizens for Decent Literature #8 print and online due to be released as soon as it's ready, probably sometime in October. subversive, revolutionary, disturbing?.. send it to us.

By sending us a submission you are granting us permission to publish your work online and in a print zine and archive it forever and ever. The only payment we can offer at this time is a contributor copy. Thank you for considering Citizens for Decent Literature. any questions or comments should be sent to

*Send Poetry, SHORT stories, essays, lists, etc. Only send one submission at a time (3-8 poems, 1-2 short stories etc). Submit here -

*Simultaneous submissions and previously published works are accepted.

*No need to send Author BIO’s.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Random Acts of Terror in Los Angeles tonight

this is happening tonight! if you are in the area, you should check it out. getting this book to print has been quite the journey. i'm proud of my involvement and hope that if you can't get out to the event, you'll give the book a look-see, help us spread the word and maybe buy a copy. support the small press. the independent press. whatever you want to call it. support literature that refuses to conform, has something to say without apology. giving voice to the voiceless or some shit like that.

Friday, July 19. 8pm Pacific
Stories Books and Cafe, 1716 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90026
Join us for the poetry book debut of Luis Rivas’ Random Acts of Terror. Hear from poets Matt Sedillo, David Romero, Luis Rivas and special musical guests.

More info about the book can be found at

“like” it on fb

Luis Rivas lives in Los Angeles, California. He was a telemarketer, construction worker, flower delivery driver, fast food cashier, sales clerk, non-profit canvasser, tutor, adult store and strip club manager and package handler/zip code sorter. He dropped out of Los Angeles Valley College where he was studying journalism to work full-time at a porn shop. Then he got fired. Now he has gone back to school, continuing his studies in journalism and Chicana/o Studies at California State University of Northridge and Los Angeles City College. He is currently a full time journalist student and part-time activist. His poetry has appeared in numerous small press publications. Luis is currently the poetry editor at Gloom Cupboard and a columnist for Red Fez.

Matt Sedillo is a two-time national slam poet, grand slam champion of the Damn Slam Los Angeles 2011 and the author of For What I Might Do Tomorrow published by Caza De Poesia 2010. His poetry has been published in anthologies alongside the likes of such literary giants as Amiri Baraka, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jack Hircshman and Luis Rodriguez. Sedillo is a frequent guest on numerous programs on KPFK 9.07 FM and has also been featured twice on Radio Free Atlanta 8.93 FM. An interview and excerpt of his work was featured in a story that appeared in the Los Angeles Times.

David A. Romero is a proud Pocho/Chicano spoken word artist from Diamond Bar, CA.
Romero is the host of Between the Bars Open Mic at the dba256 Gallery Wine Bar in Pomona,
CA. Romero has opened for Latin Grammy winning artists Ozomatli and Latin Grammy
nominated artists La Santa Cecilia. He has featured alongside Taalam Acey as well as with a
number of HBO Def Poets. His work has been featured numerous times on multiple programs on
KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Zygote in my Coffee #142

Zygote in my Coffee #142 is now LIVE! Heather L Nelson, Brad Hamlin, Michele McDannold, Shane Allison, Ian Mullins, J.J. Campbell, William Taylor Jr., Cassandra Dallett, Kevin Ridgeway, Jon Bennett, Walter Thomas Beck III, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Doug Draime, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Jessica Caudill, Ben Newell, Len Kuntz, Jessica Caudill, Eddie Krzeminski and Michael D. Goscinski

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Citizens for Decent Literature #7

Citizens for Decent Literature is a project of The Literary Underground.
CfDL #7 is now live.
Alan Catlin, Tim Murray, Carl Miller Daniels, Len Kuntz, Leah Angstman, Michael D. Grover, Brian W. Fugett, Larry Duncan, David Blaine, Bree, William Taylor Jr., Sarah E. Alderman, Ted Jackins, Heather Dorn, H. Lynnette Barr, Rebecca Ferlotti, J Claudius Cloyd

view it online in plain text

view the print format in pdf form (it's in color but the actual print copies are in b&w)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Call for Submissions: Silver Birch Press

Announcing the Silver Birch Press NOIR Erasure Poetry Anthology, a collection of passages from hardboiled detective novels — by Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Ross MacDonald, and others — with sections marked out to create poems. If you’re unfamiliar with erasure poetry, check out our posts that feature The Great Gatsby erasure poems by james (w) moore and Cathy Dee.

TO SUBMIT: Photocopy a page from a noir/hardboiled novel, mark out passages with magic marker or white out (or another form of your choosing) to create a noir poem. On a separate sheet, list your name, address, phone, and email, along with the title of the novel, author, edition, publisher, page number, and any other identifying information.

SEND TO: Silver Birch Press, P.O. Box 29458, Los Angeles, CA 90029 (DO NOT FOLD, AS WE WILL FEATURE THE ORIGINAL SUBMISSIONS IN THE BOOK) or email as an attachment to

DEADLINE: September 1, 2013

PAYMENT: All contributors featured in the book will receive a paperback copy of the Silver Birch Press NOIR Erasure Poetry Anthology

We look forward to reading your inspired NOIR erasure poems!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Zygote in my Radio! OPEN MIC/FREE-FOR-ALL

ZYGOTE IN MY RADIO! TONIGHT!!! Saturday, July 6th. 9pm Pacific/11pm Central
Open Mic/Free-for-All. Call in to (805) 856-2808
join us for the debut of Zygote in my Coffee #142. Great new work by Doug Draime, William Taylor Jr., Cassandra Dallett, Ian Mullins, Michael Cuglietta, John Bennett, J.J. Campbell, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Walter Beck, Misti Rainwater-Lites, H.L. Nelson, Jessica Caudill, Len Kuntz, Bradley Mason Hamlin, Michele McDannold, Kevin Ridgeway, Ben Newell Eddie Krzeminski, Shane Allison, Michael D. Goscinski

Monday, June 10, 2013

Infinity's Kitchen Event in Brooklyn

Experimental Literary Journal Hosts Evening of Readings to Celebrate the Release of its Sixth Issue

Infinity's Kitchen magazine will host a release party in Brooklyn, New York at The Old American Can Factory. The party will celebrate the magazine's sixth issue of experimental literature, on the evening of June 13, 2013.

Founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 2008, Infinity's Kitchen is a graphic literary journal of experimental literature and conceptual writing. The publication is designed to explore new and innovative forms of literature, via print, performance and technology. The sixth and latest issue contains poetry, short fiction, essays on literary process and visual poems from 14 international contributors.

Contributors to the new issue will read and/or discuss their work during the event. These contributors include: Billy Cancel, whose poems are collages of found phrases and ideas; Greg Gathman, an experimental filmmaker whose video combines cellphone footage and music to accompany interlaced lines from different poems; Gary Heidt, author of an essay exploring the idea of the Word Square; Erica ESH Henry, who combines the use of musical notational symbols with written poetry; and Katie Morales; a dancer and choreographer whose essay offers “erratic thoughts on an art form nobody cares about unless Natalie Portman is making out with a girl.”

Date: June 13, 2013. Time: Doors open at 7:30 p.m., show starts at 8:00 p.m. Location: The Old American Can Factory, Gowanus Canal Brooklyn, 232 Third Street corner Third Avenue in Gowanus, Brooklyn at the edge of the Gowanus Canal's Fifth Street Basin centered between Carroll Gardens and Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11215. (very detailed directions: ) Ticket Price: Free. RSVP by e-mail at or on Facebook at or on Google+ at

Monday, May 13, 2013

Celebration of Underground Literature to be held in Jacksonville, Illinois

Celebration of Underground Literature to be held in Jacksonville, Illinois

The Literary Underground teams up with independent literary publication Zygote in my Coffee to produce an event featuring over a dozen published authors and poets, a local comedian and several musical groups.

Jacksonville, Illinois, USA. Monday, May 13, 2013–-The Literary Underground is a grassroots effort committed to supporting independent artists and fostering community in the independent press. In coordination with Zygote in my Coffee, they will be hosting “Nothing to Lose Comes to Jacksonville/RAT (Premature) Release Party” on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 7pm CST. The event will be held at Bogart's in Jacksonville, Illinois.

"Nothing to Lose" is an internet radio program and reading series hosted by Brian W. Fugett, editor/publisher of Zygote in my Coffee, with co-hosts Michael D. Goscinski and Michelle L. Quinn. The radio program airs on Friday nights on the Project U Radio Network, featuring interviews with publishers, authors, musicians and filmmakers. The reading series was recently part of a literary crawl in the neighborhood of Tremont in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 50 poets were featured in a dozen venues throughout the day.

Citizens for Decent Literature, a project of The Literary Underground, will officially release Random Acts of Terror (RAT), a poetry book by Luis Rivas, on June 23rd. Michael D. Grover, Head Poetry Editor of Red Fez, had this to say about the collection, “Real hard poems covered in blood, with the revolutionary spirit.” In a recent review published in Target Audience Magazine, Victor Schwartzman argues the importance of publishing this book, “Such poems are a rare, exceptional point of view in mainstream American poetry. More important, these poems are about real stuff that should be of concern to everyone.” This is keeping with CfDL's simple mission statement of “Giving voice to the voiceless...” Poems from the book will be featured at the event on June 22nd and copies will be available for purchase.

Those scheduled to perform with more being added are local comedian Mike Brant, Brian W. Fugett (Ohio), Michelle L. Quinn and Tim Murray (Indiana), Ryder Collins (Wisconsin), Sirenna Blas, James Babbs, Wanda Morrow Clevenger and Michele McDannold (Illinois).

This event is free and open to the public 18 and over with an after-party and live music to follow the readings. Bogart's is located at 2142 Old State Rd., Jacksonville, IL. For more information and updates to the schedule, please visit

About The Literary Underground
The Literary Underground is a grassroots effort committed to supporting independent artists and fostering community in the independent press. Founded in 2010, successful projects to date include: The Literary Underground Wiki, an open-source encyclopedia devoted to the underground press; Project U Radio Network, with shows hosted on blogtalk radio including author interviews, open mics and topic shows; the Archive Directory, providing web space for the archival of defunct publications; and Citizens For Decent Literature, an online and print publication that seeks to give voice to the voiceless.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Call for Submissions - Snail Mail Review

The editors of Snail Mail Review are accepting submissions for their sixth issue.

Submission Guidelines:
We accept simultaneous submissions
We do not accept previously published work
Poetry: 3-5 poems, 35 lines each
Short Fiction: 1-7pgs (max. 1500 words)

Mail Submissions to:
Snail Mail Review
... C/O Christine Chesko
1694 Augusta Pointe Dr.
Ripon, CA.

S.A.S.E (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope)
Cover Letter W/ Brief Bio.

Open Submissions: February 1, 2013
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2013
Snail Mail Review
Christine Chesko

Friday, April 26, 2013

Nothing to Lose welcomes special guest DJ Big Stew

Friday, April 26, 2013 on Nothing to Lose. 8pm PST/10pm CST/11pm EST

SPECIAL GUEST: Director, DJ Big Stew will be talking about the release of his newest feature film "East Side Story". The movie stars rapper MOE MONEY who is most commonly known for his smash hits with artists like The Lox and Mase. DJ BIG STEW has a successful past in hip hop. His New York TV show "Fat Catand Big Stew" was notorious for interviewing top artists such as the Ying Yang Twins, Fat Joe, and Snoop Lion.

NOTHING TO LOSE is hosted by Brian W. Fugett, Michelle L. Quinn and Michael D. Goscinski
CALL-IN NUMBER: (805) 856-2808

Renowned DJ Wets Our Appetite with “East Side Story” Mixtape

HARLEM, New York (March 30, 2013) — In 2012 Moe Money and DJ Big Stew shocked the hip hop world with their movie producing debut of “Somebody Got To Die”. The film was an instant success and was listed as the #1 underground film by Don Diva Magazine.

In April of 2013 they will be releasing their newest feature film, “East Side Story”. The movie stars rapper “Moe Money” who is most commonly known for his smash hits with artists like The Lox and Mase, and is directed by DJ Big Stew who also has a successful past in hip hop, His New York TV show “Fat Catand Big Stew” was notorious for interviewing top artists such as the Ying Yang Twins, Fat Joe, and Snoop Lion.

To give the fans a little teaser, Big Stew has just released the “East Side Story” mixtape. Listeners will enjoy cuts from the hottest underground rappers in New York, and all over the country. Some of the artists featured are Moe Money, Kid Named breezy, and even Pusha-T.

There is already a big underground buzz for this movie release, and it’s projected to increase over the next few months. When asked for his thoughts on the increasing anticipation, Big Stew had this to say, “This film is different than anything I’ve ever done. I put everything I had into it and I think that everyone that watches this movie will be able to relate, to its characters.”

The movie will be available on DVD and online streaming and a trailer for the film has already been released. The mixtape is available for download on

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Idiom Podcast #6 with Bud Smith about The Literary Underground

The Idiom Podcast #6 with Bud Smith and The Literary Underground

It’s April National Poetry Month and this month’s podcast focuses on The Literary Underground that provides a place for poets to go and read others work, hear podcasts about writing, and find online and print zines to submit their work.

In this podcast we talk to Bud Smith who runs the podcast The Unknown Show off of the site on Tuesday nights.

This podcast is put together by Mark Brunetti of the Idiom Magazine. check them out, send them good stuff...

Friday, March 8, 2013

dadaist, surrealist, Outsider, and Outlaw poetry wanted at Zombie Logic Review

Zombie Logic Review is the online literary magazine of Zombie Logic Press, one of the Midwest's oldest independent literary presses. It is edited by Thomas L. Vaultonburg and contains poetry, webcomics, artwork, and short videos. Zombie Logic Review publishes dadaist, surrealist, Outsider, and Outlaw poetry. Now taking submissions at For more information please visit

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New book by RC Edrington from Underground Voices

C. Powell, publisher and editor of Underground Voices, has set up a Facebook page for the forthcoming book (June 15, 2013) "Scarred Canvas" by RC Edrington.

Please support his efforts, and the book of course, by visiting the Facebook page: Scarred Canvas. You're also encouraged, should you chose, to spread the word through Google+.

A few of the early reviews are posted.

"Lamentations of lost love and empty syringes as a seedy disdain proliferates in dark alleys and cigarette ashes. Brutal angst of self-creation, bitter as a $10 blow-job, spills with JD and gutted memories. If Quentin Tarantino wrote poetry, well.. you get my drift." --Cheryl "CAT" Townsend

for more information visit

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Unknown Show w/ Bud Smith. February 12, 2013

The Unknown Show w/ Bud Smith. February 12, 2013
The Unknown Show is an interview series hosted by Bud Smith. The featured guests will range from writers, artists, musicians, ect. with a focus on projects that they are working on or promoting. The goal is to #1, not put you to sleep, and #2 leave you with some personal and often creepy details about a person who used to be unknown to you.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Missouri Review’s Audio Literary Competition

Announcing The Missouri Review’s Audio Literary Competition:

$1,000 prizes awarded in 3 categories

The Missouri Review invites all writers and writer/producers to send us your recordings of original poetry or prose or your audio documentaries on any subject. All you need is a computer, microphone, software such as GarageBand or Audacity, and a great script!

This year, in an effort to expand the contest, we have opened submissions (previously $20) to a pay-by-donation entry fee. Your contribution of any amount includes a one-year, digital subscription to The Missouri Review, and all of your donation goes to support the production of The Missouri Review and its related programs.

Winners and select runners up will have their work featured on The Missouri Review’s website and as part of our iTunes podcast series. Entries will be judged by TMR’s editors in collaboration with guest judge Laura Starecheski, producer with NPR’s State of the Re:Union.

Deadline: March 15th, 2013

Entries and payments are accepted by mail or online. For details, or to submit, please visit our website:

F*&kin Adorbs. February 9, 2013

F*&kin Adorbs. February 9, 2013

All About Zines & Shit by Steven Hughes Purkey & Deirdree Prudence!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Occupy Underground Radio: Episode 1. February 7, 2013

Occupy Underground Radio: Episode 1. February 7, 2013

Benjamin Poage, Cory Taylor, and Mary Stockton lead you on a tour of underground sounds and fill you in on little things happening outside your door. This week we have special guest Nick Fury from Bandwidth No Name discussing his new project and upcoming tour!

Friday, February 1, 2013

F*&KIN ADORBS. February 2, 2013

F*&KIN ADORBS. February 2, 2013


DVTCRFM: LATE NIGHT (sneaky motherfucker). February 1, 2013

in my defense, i didn't know about this "co-hosting/interview" until just hours before the show. and dear universe, please let me always have the problem of too many good things to talk about than will fit in an hour. and i think i'll just go on working with the best and most talented people this side of forever. i appreciate the break on that one, universe. peace, yo. mm

DVTCRFM: LATE NIGHT (sneaky motherfucker). February 1, 2013
Frankie Metro, Michele McDannold and the TUNNEL VOICES (now on strike)

New Issue of Citizens For Decent Literature

Citizens For Decent Literature Issue #5: AMERICA! (and everywhere else)

Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Rich Boucher, Tom Bradley, Alan Catlin, Jack Cooper, Cassandra Dallett, Carl Miller Daniels, William Doreski, Lisa Douglass, Andrew Finch, Brian W. Fugett, Michael Grover, Dustin Holland, Fran Lock, Richard King Perkins II, Rebecca Schumejda, Ben John Smith, Bud Smith, Tommy Swerdlow, TWIGGY, Frank Walsh

Zygote Mania!

Issue #140 of Zygote in my Coffee is now LIVE on the interwebs! This issue features the work of Sarah Alderman, Bud Smith, Michael D. Goscinski, Andrew James Stone, Ted Jackins, Dustin Holland, Paul Corman-Roberts, Karl Koweski, Chris Butler, Carl Miller Daniels, Brian Rosenberger, J.J. Campbell, Euginia Tan, J. Claudius Cloyd, and many more!

a new episode of Zygote in my Radio.
Brian W. Fugett, Michael D. Goscinski and Michelle L. Quinn (the three initialed)
listen in ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Goddamn! This show is good. Check it out

Tonight's episode of Rips and Raps staring Nick Fury and Lowki. Tonight's special guests are: Benjamin Poage and Cory James Taylor from Occupy Underground Magazine! Frankie Metropolis and Lindsey Thomas from The Literary Underground! With musical madness from Epic Beats, Greg Swardson, and Mary Stockton!!!

Warning: Prodcast content may not be suitable for listeners of all ages.

Wednesday Night Service: Chinese Finger Trap

Wednesday Night Service: Chinese Finger Trap

Project U Radio Podcast. mishmash

Featured: Doc Bonnie, Michael D. Goscinski, Michelle L. Quinn, Brian W. Fugett, Frankie Metro, and some other random shit

Sunday, January 27, 2013



Your Mother's Medicine Cabinet

Your Mother's Medicine Cabinet Radio Show began in April 2012. Frank Reardon hosted the show until it ended in January 2013. Hats off to Frank for showcasing the work of all these authors, editors and publishers.

Zarina Zabrisky, Amanda Joy, Will Crawford, Bill Gainer, Brian Fugett, George Wallace, Meg Tuite, Aurora Killpoet, RD Armstrong, Neil McCrea, Maria Gornell, Rob Plath, Paul Corman-Roberts, Lynn Alexander, Murphy Clamrod, Rebecca Schumejda, John Yamrus, Dena Rash Guzman, James H. Duncan, Erin Reardon, Wolfgang Carstens, April Michelle Bratten, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Dan Provost, Iris Appelquist, A. Razor, Jason Ryberg, Dan Fante, R.L. Raymond, John Dorsey

Episodes will remain in the archives and can be accessed at

Frank has a new book out from NeoPoiesis Press. For more information about Nirvana Haymaker please visit

Wanted: The correct applicant for the unlikeliest job in Web-literature, the Political Editor for Unlikely Stories: Episode IV.

If this sounds like it would bring you enjoyment and enrichment, sue your parents for malpractice, verify that you've seen our submission guidelines, and introduce yourself to "us" at jonathan AT unlikelystories DOT org.


New Show on Project U Radio Debuts TONIGHT!

Errld Presents: Tiny-amp VS The Literary Underground
Hosted by Muney Johnston & Doc Bonnie.
Show times/dates: Sundays 6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/8pm Central/9pm Eastern
music, poetry, rants & interviews

URL to listen:
CALL IN NUMBER: (805) 856-2808



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lindsey Thomas @ Tinyamp vs The Literary Underground - Denver. January 12, 2013

Ryan Snellman & John Swain @ Pre-reading Reading, Denver, CO. January 11, 2013

Click here to listen to RYAN SNELLMAN at the Pre-reading Reading, Denver, CO. January 11, 2013

Click here to listen to JOHN SWAIN at the Pre-reading Reading, Denver, CO. January 11, 2013

Black Kite Poetry #7: The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit


The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit to be held in Toledo, Ohio

Toledo, Ohio, USA. Wednesday, January 23, 2013--The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit will be held at Black Kite Coffee & Pies in Toledo, Ohio as part of the Black Kite Poetry Series hosted by Michael Grover and Tara Armstrong. Featured readers are Brian Fugett and Michele McDannold.

Brian Fugett (Dayton, Ohio) is a member of the slacker, fast food generation that has been branded with an ‘X’ by that Canadian-born, literary terrorist known as Douglas Coupland. Meanwhile, he sits in his pad all day consuming more oxygen than he’s worth. He’s been doing it for over 40 years now and has become quite efficient at it. Eating and voiding are the only things he really knows how to do. Between meals and trips to the shitter, he covertly milks ‘West Nile Virus’ from the tits of pregnant mosquitoes and uses it to butter the toast of local politicians. He is the editor/publisher of Zygote in my Coffee.

Michele McDannold (Jacksonville, Illinois) is corn fed and redneck bred. She has an extensive collection of flannel and rubber chicken heads. A devoted member of the Cult of the Honey Badger, she is also the co-editor/publisher of Citizens For Decent Literature, a project of The Literary Underground.

The event will begin at 7:00pm EST and includes an open mic and book release from Citizens For Decent Literature Press. Michael Grover will read from his new book “Some People Go Crazy” and copies will be available for purchase.

Black Kite Coffee & Pies is located at 2499 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43620. Please visit for more information or contact Michael Grover.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Issue of Citizens For Decent Literature

Citizens For Decent Literature Print #5: deadlines are for doorknobs. Featuring Amy Sasser, John Grey, Matthew Sradeja, Carl Miller Daniels, James Babbs, Bud Smith, Alan Catlin, Michael Grover, Anthony Langford, Jason Ryberg, Euginia Tan, Joe Eldridge, Ryan Snellman, Colin Dodds.

Spreading print lust in Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, Rhode Island, New York, Texas, Missouri, Washington, Australia, Singapore... and soon—DENVER.

All previous issues of the print zine are now viewable online.

DVTCRFM: Late Night (prepotluckparty). January 4, 2013

DVTCRFM: Late Night (prepotluckparty). January 4, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Issue of In Between Altered States

Episode 32...Stranded! It is the first episode of the year featuring Kenneth Gagnon, Delphine Boswell, Michael A. Kechula, Bob Schofield, Joshua J. Mark, Bakhulule Maluleka, Bayard Tarpley, and Angel Zapata. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New book by James Babbs available now from Interior Noise Press

new full-length collection from poet James Babbs
Disturbing The Light

Now available from

You can save 25% using Discount Code: 4V5RKNMB at the INP E-Store

Click here to order now.


Disturbing the Light

sitting here in
the living room watching
the way the sunlight falls
across the floor making
these rectangles of light and
I remember how you
always avoided them
whenever you got up to
go to the bathroom or
the kitchen stepping
carefully over them or
walking around them but
never just going through them and
one day I asked you
why you did this and
you laughed, softly
said you didn’t want to
disturb the light and
now you’re gone and
I want to run around the room
scream at the top of my lungs and
step into the middle of
all those rectangles so
the light shines on me and
no longer touches the floor

Wednesday Night Service: In Search of a Giant TEET. January 2, 2013

Wednesday Night Service: In Search of a Giant TEET. January 2, 2013